Automate Your Payment Failure Workflows

Payment Failure on Websites

Payment failures should not lead to drop-offs. This journey helps you send an alternate link to users incase their payment fails. 



Payment failures should not lead to drop offs. Automating payment failure workflows saves not just operational time, developer effort but also ensures a better checkout experience for the user. This is one journey, that should not be forgotten.


Ed Tech


Use Case:

Transactional: Payment failure workflow



Webengage.Track(“payment_successful”, {

“Name” :
“Email” :
“Contact” :
“Page URL” :
“Occupation” :
“Gender” :
“Course name” :
“Level” :  

“Date_of_payment” :
“Account_created_date” :

“Time_of_payment” :
“Account_created_time” :

“Sessions” :
“Number of purchases” :
“Course value” : 
“Course duration days” :

“Logged in” : 1
“Newsletter subcribed” : 0

“recommendation_on_course” : [“COURSE1”, “COURSE2”, “COURSE3”, “COURSE4” ]
“related_tests” : [“TEST1”, “TEST2”, “TEST3”, “TEST4” ]



Step by step explanation:

1. The Journey is triggered when an API call for payment failure is made.

2. Instantly show an oops web message and ask the user to check his email/SMS for an alternate payment link.

3. Instantly check for reachability and send the email and SMS.

4. Wait for 10 mins for the user to make the payment .

5. On event, update user details. On timeout, exit the journey. If the user again encounters a payment failure, he will enter the journey again.


- The time in Step 4 is dependent on the on the payment link expiry time.


Need help with activating this journey? Drop a mail at with your query.