Nudge new users to complete the transaction faster
Fasten sales cycle with 'discounting' and 'trust messaging'
4 insanely powerful sales triggers that can fasten your sales cycle are -
This workflow covers a similar usecase for Ed-tech firm looking to fasten sales cycle. Users might browse through a course and not proceed to purchase. This could be because they are comparing with a competitor or might be hesitant due to the price itself. This Journey shows how you can automate the engagement of these users by showcasing trust messaging by highlighting 'course reviews' and incentive by providing 'discounts on immediate purchase', through various channels such as Onsite notification, email and text message.
Use Case:
Nudge users to complete their transaction
Webengage.Track(“browsed_through_course”, {
“Name” :
“Email” :
“Contact” :
“Page URL” :
“Occupation” :
“Gender” :
“Course name” :
“Date_Of_browsing” :
“sessions” :
“Courses purchased” :
“Logged_in” : 0
“Newsletter_subcribed” : 0
“recommendation_on_course” : [“COURSE1”, “COURSE2”, “COURSE3”, “COURSE4” ]
Step-by Step Explanation:
1. Journey gets triggered for a user as soon as he/she 'browses through a course'.
2. Workflow checks if the user can identified with a previous transaction.
3. If the user is found to not have transacted earlier, Journey triggers targeted Onsite Notification with 'Reviews and discount on purchase' . Business may choose to opt for Discount Vs Cash-back as incentive strategy.
4. If the user 'views the onsite notification', journey checks if that user has done ‘checked the reviews or ‘proceeded to checkout’.
5. If either one is true, wait for 2 days for the user to make a purchase.
6. On timeout (if the user doesn't completes the purchase within next 2 days from the time of viewing notification), trigger an email with 'course reviews and discounts on purchase'.
7. End the journey for that user, when the email is despatched.
Pro tip: