Reactivate Inactive Users with Personalised Progress Report

Bring them back from dead

Nudge inactive users at all opportune moments to increase interaction and improve retention.


User's churning after their free trial gets over remains one of the critical reasons behind user churn in edu-tech business. The best way to tackle them is via constant progress feedback not just within trial phase but also for user's who didn't move ahead after their trial got over. This Journey shows how you can automate engagement with your inactive users and constantly nudge them to increase their engagement and activity, through various channels, over-time. Inactivity may be defined as 'users not interacting with web/mobile app' for both set of users who were in trial mode or made atleast one payment in the past. In this journey, we take a specific segment defined as 'Inactive Users'.


Use Case:

User Reactivation for Inactive Users



Inactive Customer: User purchased a course, but did not make a progress in the course in a week



Webengage.Track(“course_started”, {

“Name” :
“Email” :
“Contact” :
“Page URL” :
“Occupation” :
“Gender” :
“Course name” :
“Level” :  

“Date_Of_browsing” :

“sessions” :
“Total_courses purchased” :
“Course value” : 

“Logged_in” : 0
“Newsletter_subcribed” : 0

“recommendation_on_course” : [“COURSE1”, “COURSE2”, “COURSE3”, “COURSE4” ]



Step by step explanation:

  1. The Journey gets triggered for a User when he/she enters ‘Inactive User’ segment
  2. Workflow fetches user specific details like course details, last progress state etc. via Rest API call.
  3. On successful data fetch, workflow triggers a personalised email with course specific information and link to discussion forum.
  4. If the email bounces, workflow triggers SMS text with similar message with course progress state and discussion forum link.
  5. Workflow waits till the next 2 days(from the date of last message triggered) for the user to revisit the platform, tracked via 'User Logged In' event.
  6. If the workflow succeeds to make the user revisit, end the journey for that user.
  7. On timeout (if the user still doesn't visit the platform), trigger another NPS email with feedback and help forum link
  8. On successful email delivery, end this journey for that user.
  9. If the email bounces, trigger an NPS SMS with feedback and help forum link
  10. On successful SMS delivery, end the journey for that user

Need help with activating this journey? Drop a mail at with your query.