Promote Non-Registered Users To Signup On Education Website

Play on the Fear of Missing Out

Encourage users to signup/login while browsing the website


Overview - Encourage users to signup on the platform. Encourage anonymous users to create an account and already registered users to login.

Industry- Education

Use-case- Promote signup



a. Time spent > 5 mins
WebEngage.Track(‘time_spent_greater_5_mins’, {

Page url :
Referring URL :
Number of pages viewed : 3


Step by step introduction to the Journey

  1. The trigger of the journey is the time spent by the user in a session. If it exceeds 5 minutes than he enters the journey.

  2. Since we are running this journey to increase signups, we are going to end the journey for those users who are already signed in. To ensure that, we are going to the check the dynamic segment of signed in users-‘User signed-in’. If the condition meets then the journey ends for those users.  

  3. However, if the condition doesn’t meet then we show a survey to the user prompting him to either sign up or login.
  4. Wait for the sign-in event for 30 minutes
  5. Send sign-in nudge via email

    Need help with activating this journey? Drop a mail at with your query.