Show countdown to Flash sales this Christmas

Artificial scarcity creates real demand.

Run a timer / countdown for your sale

Time creates a sense of urgency and losing out like none other. Since every serious player in the market eyes for your customer's money, you can make them give it to you first. Using the WebEngage counter in an overlay, you can either communicate the exact time your sale starts or create a sense of urgency by showing when it ends. What else? The template has an overall Christmas feel to it keeping the festivities in mind. Other than that, you can always tweak the messaging and look and feel using custom CSS.

How? Steps to follow:

  • Add this template in your account.
  • Click on 'Use this' button.
  • Go to your dashboard. Edit this notification inside your dashboard with targeting details and UI edits.
  • Check the instructions for existing settings in the template and edit accordingly.
  • Check Preview before making it live.

For any help with the integration, drop a mail to: