Highlight active promotions on checkout page

Make your promotions stand out.

Make it easier for your visitors to locate promotions using Notification.

Visitors may abandon cart if they miss promotions that are active on your site. Wouldn't it be great if you can make your promotions stand out for each product. Not only will be effective in handling cart abandonment on your website but also in up-selling at the checkout page.
In fact, globally a large chunk of businesses use it as an up-selling technique to boost their e-commerce sales.
Create WebEngage notification to highlight promotions with relevant targeting. Manage all promotional messages from single dashboard and edit in real time. 
You can use this as exit overlay popup for visitors about to leave your product or cart page.

What else?

Well, the template is pretty much customizable. You can edit the look and feel of the Notification 'overlay popup' using custom css, change the message to suit your visitor profile, edit the targeting to change whom and when do you want to show this overlay popup.


Steps to follow:
1. Add this template in your account. Click on 'Use this' button.
2. Go to your dashboard
3. Edit this notification inside your dashboard with targeting details and UI edits
4. Check the instructions for existing settings in the template and edit accordingly.
5. Check Preview before making it live

Important!! - Refer http://blog.webengage.com/2014/07/09/callout-notifications/  - on how to add element Id for this template

For any help with the integration, drop a mail to: support@webengage.com