WebEngage is recognized as Enterprise Leader in multiple categories in the G2 Summer Report 2024. Read more ->

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Increased their number of transactions by


With real-time segmentation and automation workflows, WebEngage has helped us boost our bottom-line figures in a highly competitive category.

Saumil Gupta

Senior Marketing Manager

Increased their live class attendance by


With action-based engagement approach, WebEngage’s Journey Designer enables us to reach the learners in a more personalized & timely manner.

Sushant Kumar

Chief Marketing Officer

Increased their policy renewals by


“I’m a fan of DIY products which are both developer and marketer friendly. WebEngage checks all the right boxes. I’m a happy customer.”

Aniket Thakkar

Vice President - Marketing

…And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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We approached WebEngage when we were unhappy with a competitor's product. We wanted excellent service, which is one of WebEngage's intrinsic values. From Oberoi Hotels & EazyDiner to The Postcard Hotel, we're a 100% WebEngage client!

Kapil Chopra

Founder - EazyDiner & The PostCard hotel

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The Program helped us scale our business faster and bring down acquisition costs with time.


Ankit Agarwal

Founder, PHOOL

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