See how WebEngage drives growth for E-commerce brands

Apr 17, 2019

How, an emerging online shopping store, scales online communication for 10x conversions

Nov 15, 2018

How MyGlamm, an online color cosmetics brand, achieves a 166% uplift in conversions

Uplift in Conversions
Jun 25, 2018

How UAE’s fastest growing e-commerce store uses Journeys to recover 14.77% of its abandoned carts

Abandoned Cart Recovery
Jun 13, 2018

How StarQuik, a Tata company in the online grocery space, uses Journeys to increase new user acquisition

New User Acquisition
Dec 19, 2017

How PrettySecrets, an online lingerie retailer in India, uses Journeys to reduce cart abandonment

Cart Abandonment
Nov 10, 2017

How Yayvo, Pakistan’s largest e-commerce company, uses Personalization and Journeys to increase conversion

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Nitin Sethi,

SVP, CDO – Consumer Businesses

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