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Monthly Product Updates: April 2019

Home - Blog - Monthly Product Updates: April 2019

We have made a bunch of additions to WebEngage in April. Here’s a consolidated list below:

Integration with Facebook (Private Beta)

You can now export segments from WebEngage as a custom audience to Facebook. Our new Facebook release is currently in private beta and will be rolled out publicly in the next couple of weeks.If you’d like to try out this integration, please write back to me. More details on our integration here.

Send Winner of AB Testing Automatically

You can now test different variations of a message on a smaller test audience before automatically sending the winning variation to a larger audience. More details in our blog post here.

Unity SDKs

WebEngage now supports apps built on Unity, a game development platform. Refer to our Android docs and iOS docs for more details.

SDK Changes

There were multiple updates to our iOS and Android SDK in April. More details in our changelog for Android and iOS.

Different Layouts in Different Variations

In campaign creation, you can now specify a different layout for each variation. eg. In an In-app campaign, you can specify the layout for Variation A as Header, Variation B as Footer and Variation C as Screen Blocker. Each time you create a new variation, you will now be asked to choose a layout first.

Pause Upcoming Campaigns

You can now pause any upcoming campaign. This will prevent the campaign from getting launched at the scheduled time.

Multiple Attachments in Email

You can now add multiple attachments in an email campaign. Previously, you could add only one attachment.

Download List of Users who Uninstalled Your App

You can now download the list of users who uninstalled your app from the Uninstalls > List of Users section.



VP Products, 


Arpit is the VP of Products at WebEngage. He has a keen interest in product management of SaaS products and scaling SaaS companies through thousands of customers and millions of dollars in revenues. He often blogs about his experiences with building and scaling SaaS product on his Medium publication. Prior to WebEngage, Arpit worked in product & growth at BrowserStack and was the first product hire there. Arpit is an alum of the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the National University of Singapore (NUS).

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