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Monthly Product Updates: December 2019

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We have made a bunch of additions to WebEngage in December. Here’s a consolidated list below:

In-app for Landscape Mode

We now support Landscape in-apps for all in-app layouts except Header and Footer. You can specify the type of in-app to use i.e Landscape or Portrait in the in-app campaign creation process. Landscape layouts will appear only when the phone is in landscape mode and portrait layouts will appear only when the phone is in portrait mode. The layouts are not responsive. You are required to upgrade to our latest Android and iOS SDK to make use of landscape in-app layouts.

Audit Log

Audit Log helps you see all the actions performed by you and your team in your WebEngage project eg. you will be able to see who created / edited / deleted a campaign. The audit log will be available for actions performed for all the features in WebEngage – segments, funnels, campaigns, journeys, channels etc. The audit log is also available in the individual segment / campaign / journey / relay report page under the Show details section to help you track the audit log for that segment / campaign / journey / relay.

Throttling at Campaign Level

Previously, you could only throttle campaigns at a channel level. This meant that, by default, all your campaigns on that channel would get throttled. We have now implemented a functionality that helps you enable/disable throttling at a campaign level. In addition, you can also specify custom throttling limit for a campaign that is different from the channel throttling limit. You can access the campaign throttling feature in the campaign creation process.

Custom Domain in SMS and WhatsApp Campaigns

Any URL sent in SMS and WhatsApp campaigns would get shortened with the following as the domain: weurl.co eg. a URL in a SMS such as www.abcinsurance.com/policy/documents/policy would automatically get shortened by WebEngage to something like www.weurl.co/xyz in the actual SMS or WhatsApp message received by a customer. We now enable you to specify your own custom domain for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns. So in the example above, instead of this URL: www.weurl.co/xyz, a customer would see this URL: www.mydomain.com/xyz. Notice that weurl.co has been replaced by www.mydomain.com. This can be helpful for your branding needs. You can set your custom domain in the Settings > Campaign Custom Domain section.

SDK Updates

There were multiple updates to our Android and iOS SDK in December. More details in our changelog for Android and iOS



VP Products, 


Arpit is the VP of Products at WebEngage. He has a keen interest in product management of SaaS products and scaling SaaS companies through thousands of customers and millions of dollars in revenues. He often blogs about his experiences with building and scaling SaaS product on his Medium publication. Prior to WebEngage, Arpit worked in product & growth at BrowserStack and was the first product hire there. Arpit is an alum of the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the National University of Singapore (NUS).

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