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Monthly Releases: March, 2021

Home - Blog - Monthly Releases: March, 2021

We have made a bunch of additions to WebEngage since March-April. Here’s a consolidated list below:

1. New Web Personalization Product

We have now introduced a brand new product to our stack called Web Personalization. Historically, A/B testing tools have been used in the name of web & app personalization. We intend to change that with this release. This particular feature will help you run 1:1 personalized campaigns based on your user’s behavioral and demographic data. This means that you serve your online visitors better and help them achieve their goals sooner. Web Personalization is currently access controlled on WebEngage. Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or sales@webengage.com for early access.

You can now create personalized Web Personalization campaigns to target your users
You can now create personalized Web Personalization campaigns to target your users

2. New Dashboard Navigation Experience

We have revamped our navigation panel to align with our new product stack to help you with a cohesive dashboard experience. The new panel is divided into four sections – Data and Insights, Campaign Manager, Personalization, and Settings – and will simplify how you manage and navigate through the dashboard from a single place seamlessly. Every section is fully integrated with the rest and forms a part of our new-age retention stack for businesses. This release is currently available in beta, and you can access the same from here if you’re using the Global data center.

UI of the new Navigation Panel with the easily recognizable headers
UI of the new Navigation Panel with the easily recognizable headers

Keeping up with the dashboard’s new navigation experience, we’ve also restructured our Knowledge Base and added new sections to improve content discovery & facilitate quick query resolution.

3. User Segments based on ‘Created On’ Date

With this release, we have added a field called ‘Created On’ that lets you create a user segment based on their acquisition date.

You can now create a segment using the user's 'Created On' date
You can now create a segment using the user’s ‘Created On’ date

4. Multiple Segments while Creating In-app Notifications

You will now be able to include/exclude multiple segments while creating an In-app campaign. You can curate a combination of segments as per your use case while sending a campaign directly from the campaign creation page.

You can now include/exclude multiple segments while sending an In-app notification
You can now include/exclude multiple segments while sending an In-app notification

5. Event-based Conversions for On-site Notifications

Following this release, the conversions tracked for On-site notifications will be on an event-based approach (similar to other channels’ conversion tracking behavior). Earlier, we used to follow a URL-based conversion approach. This release is currently available on request; please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or support@webengage.com for access.

New conversion tracking UI for On-site notifications like the others
New conversion tracking UI for On-site notifications like the others

6. Supporting DLT related changes for Private and Self-serve SSPs

If you’re sending SMS campaigns to Indian users via a Private SSP or Self-serve SSP, we have added support for 2 new keys (PEID and content template ID) in our request body. If you are using any of the self-serve SSPs for your SMS campaigns, please reach out to them to register with us.

7. Downloadable Graphs and Tables

You can now download the data of almost every graph and table in a CSV report. You will see a new “Download” icon above these sections.

Screenshot showing the 'Download' button for the User Analytics graph
Screenshot showing the ‘Download’ button for the User Analytics graph

8. System Events for ‘Call an API’ block

The API call status (successful or fail) will now be tracked as system events when the ‘Call an API’ function block is triggered in a Journey. This event will be visible for further use under the dashboard’s static lists and event analytics pages.

The event analytics shows API call status now tracked under system events
The event analytics shows API call status now tracked under system events

That’s all we have got now, and a lot more planned for our upcoming releases! As we proceed towards working on the new features and launches for you, enjoy these new features to their fullest!

If you wish to pass on any feedback about these releases or are unsure about implementing any of these features, get in touch, and we’ll help you out!

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AVP - Product Marketing, 


Swati leads Product Marketing at WebEngage and likes conducting experiments that help data-driven marketers and PMs leverage WebEngage to build better user-engagement strategies. She is excited about seeing companies discover insights and transform their businesses with WebEngage. A graduate from BITS Pilani, Swati has done research in aerospace where she ran a very different set of experiments!

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