Hey Reader,
Greetings from WebEngage!
We hope you’re having a great experience with WebEngage. We’re excited to introduce new features on the dashboard. 😀
Exclude specific (user) events from a recommendation strategy
Make your recommendation strategy more nuanced by excluding specific items/products from consideration when generating product recommendations.
To implement this, look for the option ‘exclude event’ when creating a recommendation strategy. Select the event of your choice from the drop-down which you have already mapped.
For example, when creating a recommendation strategy for add to cart event, you want to exclude products purchased by a customer in the last, let’s say, 30 days. In this case, select the purchase event for exclusion. This means that any product the user has purchased in the past, i.e., the look-back period (a specific period that you set), will be excluded from the recommendations.
Tip: You can also use this feature for existing recommendation strategies by editing the particular recommendation strategy.
App In-line content support on Flutter
We have extended support for clients who use our Flutter SDK to access in-line campaigns. This enables you to create personalized campaigns on your app. To enable this, update your Flutter SDK to v1.2.3 and follow the instructions in this documentation.
Android SDK v4.3.0 and iOS SDK v6.2.0 releases
We have added support for running In-line Content campaigns on Recycler and List views. For more information on implementing in-line campaigns, refer to the iOS or Android documentation.
Hope you start making the most of these features and enjoy using them as much as we enjoyed developing them for you! We have some important and major feature releases in the pipeline. Stay tuned for more!