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Copy – First milestone achieved – we have reached 1000 customers worldwide!

Home - Blog - Copy – First milestone achieved – we have reached 1000 customers worldwide!

We woke up to a sweet system alert this Saturday morning – WebEngage is now powering in-site surveys and feedback on 1000 websites worldwide. Aha!

Meet our 1000th customer – www.pacificpavingstone.com. As a token of love, we have offered them a free upgrade to the Standard Plan for first 6 months.

Alright, so there we are – growing at a breathtaking pace. On an average, we have been adding 10 new customers everyday for the last 4-5 weeks. Our survey windows and the feedback tabs are fast reaching ubiquity; people are not taken by surprise anymore when they see our stuff working on sites they use everyday.

Do you have an online business? Yet to try us? 3 simple reasons for you to give us a go today –

  1. You’d have never seen a stickier product – From designing survey questionnaire to changing the CSS to match your site’s look-n-feel to managing support queries via a powerful feedback inbox, WebEngage has all it takes to keep you hooked. Period.
  2. You’d have never felt, being so much in control – From being able to “filter” the appearance of your surveys to specific audiences on your website to the world’s best one-time integration, we made sure that the power doesn’t lie with some silly robot. It lies with YOU. Period.
  3. You’d have never felt, being so much loved and pampered – Over 90% of our support queries were resolved or replied to in less than 4 hours. Most of the times, almost instantaneously. We are humans who love humans. We hate dogs though. Period.

Get your dose of WebEngage dope – webengage.com/features/overview (view in full-screen mode).

Stay tuned. We love you!



Co-founder and CEO, 


Avlesh is the co-founder and CEO at WebEngage. He occasionally writes here and on his personal blog.

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