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[Announcement] Introducing Leave Intent Based Targeting; Now, Convert Users Exiting Your Website – Pounce On Bounce!

Home - Blog - [Announcement] Introducing Leave Intent Based Targeting; Now, Convert Users Exiting Your Website – Pounce On Bounce!

After gazillion requests from our customers to find an elegant solution to the irritating exit surveys that open a new window when a user closes the browser window/tab, we decided to give this problem a shot – a graceful solution to a problem that online product managers and marketers struggle with globally.

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Loved it? It needs less than 5 minutes to implement this on your website without adding any extra code to your site or involvement of your dev/IT teams! Too much to ask for? Yeah, we know … 🙂

Google Analytics is information. WebEngage is ACTION
Tools like Google Analytics, Clicky, Kissmetrics etc have historically been telling you about bounce rates on your website. We know how terrible it feels to know of a problem but not be able to do anything about it. Well, not anymore. Say hello to WebEngage’s Leave Intent Targeting – the ultimate solution to catch hold of users bouncing off your website.

leave intent

Introducing Leave Intent Targeting
We are extremely excited to announce the launch of “Leave Intent Based Targeting” under the targeting rules section for surveys and notifications. With this feature enabled, you can now choose to display a survey (lead generation form, any other mini questionnaire etc) or a notification (push message to display offers etc) to users who are about to leave your site. At the core of this technology, we detect mouse movement of visitors on your website – and pop a pre-configured survey/notification the moment we find out that a user is either approaching the browser’s close button or moving away from your site to a different tab in the browser window. Cool, ain’t it?

Wanna get started? It takes 2 simple steps as explained underneath:

Step 1. Create a notification/survey for users bouncing off your site

First, you need to choose what would you like to do with users bouncing off your website – ask a set of questions or show them a nice HTML message with some call-to-action? Depending upon that, you either create a survey or a notification. Check out the how-to images underneath:

Step 2. Implement leave intent targeting for your notification/survey

Now, that you have decided the action to be taken on bounce, here’s how you configure the “targeting rule” for it. It is as simple as checking this option in the targeting screen: leave intent

That’s it! By simply following the two steps mentioned above, you are good to catch hold of customers/visitors exiting your website and make one last attempt to have them stay back a little longer – by offering a helping hand, or, an offer, or, a lead generation survey integrated solution with your outgoing email/SMS sending engine! All in real-time!

Need more filtering capabilities?
Have we ever said a NO? 🙂

Leave intent targeting can be used in conjunction with other rules that we support in the system. Some use-cases to give you an idea of what can be done:

  • Want to show a notification/survey to visitors exiting your website ONLY from the cart page or any other section on your website? Use Page URL Targeting
  • Want to show a notification/survey ONLY to visitors from certain geography(/ies) trying to leave your website? Use Geo-location Targeting
  • Want to show a notification/survey ONLY to exiting users who came to your website via a Google search or your FB Page or from any other specific website? Use Traffic Source Targeting
  • Want the bounce notification/survey to work ONLY during midnight, say from 11pm to 4am? Use Time Of The Day Targeting
  • Want to show the bounce notification/survey ONLY to visitors with a certain Cookie planted in their browser? Use Cookie Based Targeting
  • Want to show the bounce notification/survey ONLY to your Premium Customers who have made a purchase of more than $1000 in the past? Use Custom Targeting

Need more dope on targeting? help.webengage.com/targeting/how-to-setup-targeting-rules

Want to see a real world sample of how a leave intent survey works? Please go to our pricing page. Once the page has loaded, try moving your mouse cursor away from the tab to any other or towards the close button of the window. Ain’t it magical? We call it eating our own dog food 🙂


  1. This feature is available only for customers in the new premium and enterprise plans.
  2. This feature is, currently, only supported in Desktop browsers (IE7 & above, FF, Chrome, Safari all versions); support for mobile browsers will soon be available.

Have questions? Get in touch

Edit (10th Dec, 2013): We have recently released



Co-founder and CEO, 


Avlesh is the co-founder and CEO at WebEngage. He occasionally writes here and on his personal blog.

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