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Introducing The WebEngage Startup Program

WebEngage Startup Program
WebEngage Startup Program
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Through years of interactions with some brilliant founders, one thing (apart from their infectious energy) has constantly stood out – founders love to build.

Founders love building products, teams and culture, institutions, and markets. Founders dedicate themselves to delivering exceptional experiences for their customers. There might be uncountable hurdles that come in the way, even as impactful as the pandemic, but nothing can stop founders from building.

We’ve lived the startup journey as well. And that made us realize how we could help early-stage startups with business growth!

Introducing the WebEngage Startup Program

The WebEngage Startup Program is a growth accelerator for early-stage B2C startups. An initiative to help startups build and grow faster!

We didn’t want to just offer free credits, that’s the easiest thing to do. We wanted to build the best startup program, so we started speaking to early-stage startups to articulate the challenges better. We learned that it’s not just about the capital, but also about moving fast and doing more with a small team.

And to help you do more with less.

The WebEngage Startup Program is a 6-month long program, where 50 chosen, fast-growing startups would benefit in 2020. With this program, we are earmarking $1 million as an investment in 2020 from WebEngage.

The 3 core benefits offered to the eligible startups are:

  1. WebEngage credits worth US$ 20,000 including free access to WebEngage’s marketing automation suite for 6 months.
  2. A dedicated team of WebEngage advisors who would help in accelerating your business growth.
  3. Detailed product and campaign analytics, MIS, and business reports.

1. Firstly, you will get credits worth US$ 20,000 on being selected. You will have full access to the WebEngage’s powerful marketing automation platform, free for 6 months. (Excited about this? Hold on, the best part is yet to come!)

2. Secondly, you will have a team of dedicated advisors, customer onboarding, and success specialists for back up and faster growth.

Based on our learnings working with businesses of different sizes, we have put together several templates and best practices for data integration, automated user journey, user engagement campaigns, and more. Most of their retention marketing runs on auto-pilot, even without a retention specialist. You will be able to go from Zero to One for your user retention initiatives faster.

3. Finally, you will have product and campaign analytics, custom MIS reports to stay on top of your numbers, business reviews, and regular sync-ups with our growth advisors.

Who can apply for the WebEngage Startup Program?

eligibility criteria for webengage startup program

We are limiting this initiative to 50 fast-growing startups to form the Class of 2020, who can genuinely benefit from the program. This is so that WebEngage’s team of advisors can focus on a smaller group and help accelerate the selected startups.

How will the WebEngage Startup Program help your startup?

At the end of the 6 months under the accelerator program, you can expect a significant uplift in your core growth and retention metrics. You will also take away learnings and principles on user retention.

Alongside this, we are also planning a few workshops, networking, and learning sessions to help you with specific topics.

To summarise, the WebEngage Startup Program will accelerate growth for early-stage startups. You get free platform access for 6 months, analytics and reports, and a dedicated team of WebEngage advisors to back you up and help you grow faster.

We are excited to work with early-stage startups and founders. If you think we have what you’ve been looking for and we can help you grow faster, you can apply here and get started with the WebEngage Startup Program soon.

apply for webengage startup program



WebEngage for Startups | CEO's Office - Strategy, 


Nitya is a part of the CEO’s office at WebEngage, working on various strategic and growth initiatives. In his previous role, he was a part of the Middle East Go-to-Market team at WebEngage. Nitya is enthusiastic about startups and technology businesses.

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